How to Manage Your Gambling Problem


Gambling can be a fun and social activity for some people, but for others, it can be a problem. It is also considered harmful to your physical health, relationships, and performance at work. Fortunately, there are ways to manage gambling and prevent it from ruining your life.

If you’re concerned about your gambling habits, it’s a good idea to get professional help. There are support groups and counseling resources available. They can give you advice and help you understand why you’re gambling. Many of these resources are free and confidential.

You can also make a plan to quit. This will keep you accountable, and it can prevent you from slipping back into your problem. When you’re tempted to gamble, set a limit to your money and keep it in a safe place. Also, get rid of your credit cards. A gambling addiction can leave you with a big bill. Make sure your bank makes automatic payments for you.

Mood disorders and suicidal thoughts can be caused by gambling. People who have a mood disorder may continue to have these symptoms even if they stop playing games. Practicing relaxation techniques can also help. Other methods include exercising and volunteering for a cause.

While there is no medically approved medication to treat gambling disorders, there are medications that can be used to treat co-occurring conditions. One of these is a drug called amitriptyline, which can help relieve anxiety and depression. However, it can also lead to more serious problems, including overdose.

For more information, you can call a helpline for problem gamblers, such as the National Gambling Helpline. They’re staffed 24 hours a day. Their services include counselling, credit counseling, and family therapy.

Admitting to a loved one that you have a gambling problem can be extremely difficult. But if you do, it can be the first step towards recovery. Not only can it be a relief to get the attention of someone who can empathize with you, but it can also encourage your family to be supportive of your recovery.

You can also join peer support groups for people who are coping with a gambling addiction. Many people are successful in recovering from this problem. These groups are often patterned after Alcoholics Anonymous. They can be found online, and there are also helplines. The National Gambling Helpline is a resource for those interested in gambling, and they are available to call at 1-866-662-HELP (4357).

Gambling is a very social activity. Many friends and family members may feel ashamed or worried about your gambling, but it’s important to reach out for help. Contact a counselor or friend who can offer you support, and consider enrolling in classes and volunteer work.

Whether you decide to go into treatment or simply quit, the process can be overwhelming. Your loved ones will be there for you during this time. Luckily, there are several self-help sections on the Internet and in other books that can help you stop gambling.